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How E-Learning Empower Teachers to Educate Students Better?

How E-Learning Empower Teachers to Educate Students Better?

Rajesh Srinivasan800 30-Sep-2020

E-learning platforms are changing the Indian education landscape as schools are leveraging this new model of knowledge sharing to make children future-ready. Moreover, online learning has augmented the scope for educators to transcend education beyond classroom boundaries. This student-centric approach is exclusive as it shares with students their educational direction, capitalizing on both teaching resources and time.

Statistics never lie-

According to the KPMG report, by 2021, the online education industry in India will witness a growth of about X6 times.

All of us know that each and every teacher has their own method of teaching, but generally, they try to fine-tune their approach based on the learning needs of their students. Now, what are the advantages of e-learning for teachers that influence their style, irrespective of the teacher’s style, it is essential to develop a positive attitude, define goals, and establish high expectations for students.

Here are some of the benefits of online learning for teachers

Better two-way communication – Online learning platforms facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers, administrators, students, and parents smoother than ever before. They allow the entire management of communication: bulk or individual emails, messages, agenda, and forums. It offers an environment where the user can find all the day-to-day or other crucial information on a single screen.

Self-Analysis and Improvement – The use of modern platforms introduces more benefits of e-learning to teachers, as they can make audio and video recordings of their lessons and then watch, evaluate, and reflect on the same recordings later. This helps them become better and better with the preparation of each online session. 

Learning with Self-Observation – Looking at other educators in the school or through different online courses can be very helpful. This is because the teachers can compare diverse teaching styles, methods, practices, and more and become more attentive to what kind of teacher they are and where they need to adopt a certain technique. 

Greater Portability – Virtual learning portals can be accessed on any device, whether it’s a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and from anywhere. For example, if a teacher wants to give a revision class they can connect with all the students via a virtual classroom. Even if a teacher is away on holiday or traveling somewhere he/she can access the class content on the go.

Accelerating Learning Pace - Using online learning solutions provides much-needed efficiency to teachers, enabling them to make the most of the potential for individual learning curves and styles in the classroom. A lot of virtual learning solutions comprise self-paced learning and let students as well as teachers to closely work together to attain planned targets. 

Leveraging Innovative Technology – One of the biggest advantages of the e-learning platform is that it gives teachers the opportunity to focus their entire energy on pedagogic functionality. This digital platform also saves their time and energy by automating marking, conducting tests, keep a track of student progress, and more. 

Indeed, online learning is a remarkable way for teachers to spend more time educating students and tracking their progress which can be measured in terms of time-based efforts and a reduction in workload.

Develop a teaching portfolio – Another significant value of e-learning for teachers is that e-e-learning portals have provision for teachers to obtain feedback on their teaching style from their students and colleagues. This is an opportunity for teachers to receive a better outlook on their work and learn where they can tweak their style and make value-based improvements.

The Final Say

Moving further, e-learning platforms will make the school management more comprehensive, personalized, quality-driven, and enhanced through the use of digital monitoring, virtual classrooms, and multimedia content. If your educational institute, college, or school is in need of a powerful 360* online learning platform for the best face-to-face learning sessions and efficient administrative management, get in touch with us.

Updated 30-Sep-2020
Rajesh is an expert marketing consultant working at DigiScholars. He enjoys writing about education industry trends and tips. He is a tech enthusiast and loves to explore new stuff.

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